Tanmaya Vichara Marga

Thursday, December 08, 2005


I finally am all set to shoot 'Orange' the weekend of 17th December. Planning the production details for this project took me longer than I thought it would. Luckily, I have an Executive Producer whose power of persistence has been start-up company worthy.

I managed to romp in quite a remarkable DP talent in Travis. He is an indie film director's delight - provides creative, cost effective ways to achieve soderbergh-isque cinematography finesse.

Orange - the title of the film occurred to me this morning. Thanks to my ever dependable muse, BB. The title has been worked into the script at the right point to diminish its abstractness. Yes! Yes!! Krystoff Kieslowski will be proud that his color coded genre of film themes is getting a 21st century extension.

This film is a tribute to the murder of Rigoberto Alpizar at the Miami Airport yesterday and Jean Charlez De Menezes, the innocent brazilian who was shot a few days after the London subway bombings.

The real fear is fear itself!!! The manufactured, color coded fear is not going to make the world a better place to live.


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