Tanmaya Vichara Marga

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

..and God said "let it flow" - the creative juices

Exciting Exciting stuff coming up!!!

20.20 : The working title of my next short. It's an experimental soundscape montage, but will have a whole meaning to juxtaposed sounds and visuals from everyday lives.

A Jean- Luc Goddard Tribute - No working title yet. This will be a 30 - 40 minute French short. Premise: A love triangle in the backdrop of a musical opus and a UN summit for refugee resettlement.

Love and Lingerie - Script is waiting to be shot. Any takers for seed investment?

Sidenote: If you are in middle Georgia, watch out for the airing of Orange. One of the TV channels selected Orange for their August Indie showcase series.


  • At 9:21 AM, Blogger Shobhit Chugh said…

    Dude, I couldn't find your movie on youtube - the complete version. Can you please post the link?


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